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marți, 24 mai 2011

Obama to announce UFO visits ?!

Website All News Web said that US President Barack Obama would be making comments soon about US contact with aliens.

The comments about UFO visits and other extra-terrestrial contact would be made within the next month, it claimed.

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the research and development office for the US Department of Defense, was said to have given the go-ahead for the announcement.

Other governments could also announce within the next three years that they had previous contact with aliens.

In an unrelated article, UFO website said that Earth's ozone layer could only be saved by aliens using advanced technology. It also claimed that the world's leaders would have to admit that aliens existed in return for their help.
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Interesant de vazut si:
 Obama to announce UFO visits and U.S. contact with ETs in 2011: Rumor Claims

Sursa news similare: Obama to announce UFO visits

D.C: President Barack Obama says that he saw a UFO last night while he was walking in White House lawn. According to President White House Press Sectary, President Obama was talking a walk in the park when sudden light appeared in sky in round disk shaped.

"I have never seen such light shaped disked in my life. I am pretty sure it has to be UFO," says President Obama to his wife Michelle Obama.

According to Dr. Steven Greer, who is director at Center for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, says that there is ample evidence of UFO visiting Earth.

"The evidence that the earth is being visited by at least one extraterrestrial civilization is extensive both in scope and detail. In its totality, it comprises a body of evidence which at the very least supports the general assessment that extraterrestrial life has been detected, and that a vigorous program of research and serious diplomatic initiatives is warranted."

However, President Obama joked that there is no need to worry over UFO. "We have Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck whom we can always trade for."

Un memo bizar care ar demonstra că extratereştrii au aterizat în New Mexico înainte de anul 1950 a fost publicat pe site-ul oficial al FBI-ului.

Serviciul de informaţii american a făcut publice mii de documente într-o nouă secţiune a site-ului numită The Vault - Seiful. Printre aceste documente se numără şi un memo trimis directorului FBI de către Guy Hottel, agentul special şi şeful sediului FBI
din Washington în 1950.

Hottel scrie despre OZN-uri că: "Acestea au fost descrise ca obiecte circulare, cu centrul bombat, de 50 de picioare în diametru (n.r. 15.24 de metri). În fiecare dintre acestea erau trei corpuri cu formă umană, dar care măsurau numai 3 picioare (n.r. 0.9144 metri). Erau îmbracate în haine metalice de textură foarte delicată".

The Vault is our new electronic reading room, containing more than 3,000 documents that have been scanned from paper into digital copies so you can read them in the comfort of your home or office.
Included here are more than 25 new files that have been released to the public but never added to this website; dozens of records previously posted on our site but removed as requests diminished; and files from our previous electronic reading room.
Since the launch of the Vault in April 2011, we have also added more than 30 new, previously unreleased files.

The Vault includes several new tools and resources for your convenience:
■ Searching for Topics: You can browse or search for specific topics or persons (like Al Capone or Marilyn Monroe) by viewing our alphabetical listing, by using the search tool in the upper right of this site, or by checking the different category lists that can be found in the menu on the right side of this page. In the search results, click on the folder to see all of the files for that particular topic.

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■ Viewing the Files: We are now using an open source web document viewer, so you no longer need your own file software to view our records. When you click on a file, it loads in a reader that enables you to view one or two pages at a time, search for key words, shrink or enlarge the size of the text, use different scroll features, and more. In many cases, the quality and clarity of the individual files has also been improved.

■ Requesting a Status Update: Use our new Check the Status of Your FOI/PA Request tool to determine where your request stands in our process. Status information is updated weekly. Note: You need your FOI/PA request number to use this feature.

Please note: the content of the files in the Vault encompasses all time periods of Bureau history and do not always reflect the current views, policies, and priorities of the FBI.

New files will be added on a regular basis, so please check back often.

FBI The Vault

Strategia este clara, de inteles!
Recapitulam: la inceput de an 2011,
News: Obama to announce UFO visits!
A urmat: FBI, The Vault ... etc. ...
Va amintiti povestioara, cu lupii la stana ???
Ce va urma? Interesante vremuri!
Sa tinem aproape!

2 comentarii:

  1. Macar, de-or veni! Poate ne scapa de imbecili!

  2. Eu cred ca vor sa scape de imbecilii lor.Ii ,,numesc politic ,, pe ,,planeta maimutelor ,, !

