News! Pagini de interes:

duminică, 12 iunie 2011

10 iunie 2011. Dumnezeu nu joacă zaruri! Nimic, absolut nimic nu este întâmplător. Scapa cine poate. NASA Headquarters Emergency Operations Launches New: Family Preparedness, Program For Employees (Video). UPDATE

Sâmbătă, 11 iunie 2011
~ ziua in care net-ul a luat foc ~
NASA isi pregateste personalul, membrii acestora de familie, 
pentru o mare catastrofa terestra

Agentia Spatiala Americana (NASA) a dat o nota interna catre toti angajatii pe care ii pregateste pentru o catasrofa terestra ce pare iminenta si de neoprit. Ceva care ar putea sa genereze cutremure, eruptii vulcanice majore, inundatii, masive alunecari de teren, incalzire peste limitele admise, incendii de proportii apocaliptice etc.
Pe siteul NASA apare doar o confirmare a notei interne (un memo) care a fost preluat de la unul din angajati de catre publicatia on-line, specializat in astfel de situatii neprevazute si pericole care pot aparea din spatiul cosmic.

Nota interna a generat suficienta panica, punandu-se, implicit, intrebarea: pentru ce se pregateste NASA atat de special? Mai ales ca acest program este pus brusc in aplicare, dupa ce foarte multa vreme nu a existat un astfel de plan, care sa-i puna in garda pe angajatii Agentiei, dar si pe membrii de  familie ai acestora.

 Programul pare mai degraba desprins dintr-un film
despre Sfarsitul Lumii, decat de pe un site oficial.

Oameni, ATENTIE!
Dumnezeu nu joacă zaruri! Nimic, absolut nimic nu este întâmplător.

Iata si nota interna la care face referire spaceref:

Source: NASA History Division
Posted Friday, June 10, 2011
Subject: Family/Personal Preparedness Plan
Date: Friday, June 10, 2011
Point of Contact: Darrius Lewis, Mission Support Directorate, NASA Headquarters, 202-358-0608,
Family/Personal Preparedness Plan
NASA is the only federal agency responsible for its people's safety and well-being here on Earth and in space and has a longtime commitment to safety and emergency preparedness. Over the past year, Administrator Bolden has emphasized the importance of Family/Personal Preparedness for the entire NASA family. Family and personal preparedness plans are key to protecting our families and communities during potential emergencies such as fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, terrorist attacks and other unforeseen catastrophes.

The most important assets in the successful completion of NASA's mission are its people and their loved ones. The agency has developed a set of informational guides designed to prepare you, your families and pets for emergencies. These guides will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to develop your Family Preparedness Plan.

All employees are encouraged to download these guides, prepare plans, and review them with your families. The agency has taken the steps to prepare our NASA family; now it is your personal obligation to prepare yourself and/or your family for an emergency.

To view Administrator Bolden's video on family preparedness and to download

This notice is being sent agency wide to all employees by NASA INC in the Office of Communications at NASA Headquarters.
Paranoia? Adevar? Vine sfarsitul? Poate da, poate nu!
Am spus si repet:
Voi incerca si eu, pe acest Blog, sa tin pasul cu STIRILE,
cu EVENIMENTELE in curs de desfasurare!
De vineri pana sambata, net-ul a luat foc!

Va invit sa urmarim impreuna! Sa incercam a citi si printre randuri!
Prin eventuale comentarii, sa aducem noutati!
Sa trezim si la noi, in Romania, autoritatile atat de ocupate!
Se pare ca timpul nu are rabdare. Nu este exclusa o desfasurare extrem de rapida,
de EVENIMENTE cu impact MAJOR asupra umanitatii.
This email was fowarded to me from a friend. He said all NASA employees got this in thier email today....
Point of Contact: Darrius Lewis, Mission Support Directorate, NASA Headquarters, 202-358-0608,
Family/Personal Preparedness Plan
NASA is the only federal agency responsible for its people's safety and well-being here on Earth and in space and has a longtime commitment to safety and emergency preparedness. Over the past year, Administrator Bolden has emphasized the importance of Family/Personal Preparedness for the entire NASA family. Family and personal preparedness plans are key to protecting our families and communities during potential emergencies such as fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, terrorist attacks and other unforeseen catastrophes.

The most important assets in the successful completion of NASA's mission are its people and their loved ones. The agency has developed a set of informational guides designed to prepare you, your families and pets for emergencies. These guides will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to develop your Family Preparedness Plan.

All employees are encouraged to download these guides, prepare plans, and review them with your families. The agency has taken the steps to prepare our NASA family; now it is your personal obligation to prepare yourself and/or your family for an emergency.

To view Administrator Bolden's video on family preparedness and to download your Family Preparedness guides, visit:
[link to
This notice is being sent agencywide to all employees by NASA INC in the Office of Communications at NASA Headquarters.
Sursa: NASA sent out a "Family/Personal Prepardness Plan" email to all employees today!!! WTF?

4 comentarii:

  1. O stire cu adevarat interesanta, desi trecuta cu vederea de foarte multi grabiti prin viata.
    Personal, as avea o singura intrebare:
    Ce stie/previzioneaza atat de grav NASA si nu spune tuturor, nici macar propriilor angajati???

  2. huh? e pe bune? again sint unele stiri pe care le suspectez de a fi false atit de grave sint........

  3. @karma police,
    Din pacate, DA!
    Se cunosc deja foarte multe, dar nu se divulga.
    Printre randuri, mai scapa cate ceva!
    Informatiile se completeaza apoi, dar foarte greu! Pentru a "cantarii" corespunzator si intelege cat de cat, trebuie puse cap la cap o multime de date! Extrem de grav este ca unele informatii au fost fate cu "picatura" iar ca urmare imediata, au fost trecute in uitare!
    Sa mai vii pe aici, promit subiecte interesante!

  4. ... au fost date cu "picatura" .....
    Scuze, tuturor!
