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luni, 27 mai 2013

'Apocalipsa termitelor'. 'Termite apocalypse'. Invazia s-a declansat in California,US

"Cineva a blestemat SUA". Americanii cred că a venit Apocalipsa peste ei. Imagini cutremurătoare surprinse în urmă cu puţin timp.

"Parcă suntem pe vremea lui Moise, din Biblie, când Dumnezeu a trimis peste egipteni plăgile", spun americanii din New Orleans care sunt pur şi simplu disperaţi
de invazia de insecte.
Milioane de "termite înaripate" zboară în aer, făcându-le oamenilor aproape imposibilă deplasarea dintr-un loc într-altul. Mulţi umblă pe stradă purtând plasă de ţânţari peste haine, şi apărându-se de inamicii înaripaţi cu spray-uri insecticide.
A termite nest takes about 5 years to grow to a size where the new colony produces versions of the insect with wings to restart the cycle.
Mature colonies can have as many as 5 million individual termite members.


2 comentarii:

  1. 3

    5.7 magnitude earthquake shakes Northern California.
    By Jeff Black, Staff Writer, NBC News

    A preliminary 5.7 earthquake struck in Northern California on Thursday, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

    The epicenter of the quake was centered 6 miles west northwest of Greenville, and 26 miles southwest of Susanville.

    Initial reports said the quake, which struck at 8:47 p.m., was a magnitude 5.9.

    A 5.7 magnitude quake is considered moderate, but has the potential to cause considerable damage.

    Chief meteorologist Mark Finan at NBC affiliate KCRA said the quake was felt at the station's studios in downtown Sacramento, about 145 miles south of the epicenter.

    There was no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

    Reuters contributed to this report.

  2. la cate tampenii fac prin orient si-o merita
