News! Pagini de interes:

miercuri, 5 februarie 2014

NEWS. A luat net-ul foc! Din America pana-n Romania... Nici ZAPADA... nu ar mai fi zapada! Se zice ca ar fi... chimica, artificiala, ca nu s-ar topi... si multe,multe altele!

Incredibil! A luat net-ul foc! Din America pana-n Romania...
Nici ZAPADA... nu ar mai fi zapada!
 'Fake Snow' vs 'Real Snow'?
Se zice ca ar fi... chimica, toxica, artificiala, ca nu s-ar topi... si multe, multe altele!
Se intreaba unii... Este o conspirație guvernamentală?! Este... HAARP ? Altceva?
Sunt Efectele încălzirii globale? Ale Poluarii excesive?
Sunt... Conspiratii Guvernamentale?
E.T.? Aliens?
Illuminati ... "stie"... ceva?
Dar voi? Ce spuneti?

▶ IS THIS SNOW ?- YouTube

Georgia Fake Snow!!!! - YouTube

FAKE SNOW being Reported all over the U.S. - YouTube


Why 'Fake' Snow 'Doesn't Melt'--Because It's Real  Popular Science


 ‘Fake Snow’ Reported In Multiple States?

The surprise storm that has largely crippled the southeastern US has generated a buzz online as people post videos of the snow’s weird characteristics.
There is no doubt in many minds, that there is some sort of geo-engineering going on across the Nation, and around the world.

 What we do not know, is the specifics behind it, and what the purpose is.
We do know however, that the strongest weapon any military could posses is one that can manipulate the weather at will.

People all across the country have recently began posting videos, and photo’s, of snow that will not melt.

Some people are even reporting that the snow has a strange odor, like chemicals.
 Is the snow natural, or the result of a Geo-Engineered or HARRP attack?

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