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duminică, 18 noiembrie 2012

21.12.2012. Apocalipsa. De la ipoteticul Călugăr tibetan la PRINCESS KAORU NAKAMARU (Princess of japan). UPDATE. Who is Princess Kaoru?

Cei mai mulți japonezi cred în existența extratereștrilor așa că autoritățile de la Tokyo au susținut, în ultima vreme, diverse conferințe de presă pe acestă temă.
Potrivit unor experți în domeniu, japonezii ar deține informații verificabile cu privire la existența extratereștrilor. Mai mult, aceștia ne survolează planeta de mii de ani, scrie
Pentru că nu vor să fie nepregătiți, japonezii lucrează de multă vreme la dezvoltarea unui plan de strategie națională, care are în vedere pregătirea populației și a opiniei publice pentru situația foarte probabilă în care extratereștri vor lua contact oficial cu pământenii.
Societatea niponă consideră că o femeie pe care presa internațională o numește Prințesa Japoniei i-a confirmat convingerile. Prințesa a ținut un discurs straniu, care a împletit în mod amețitor dezvăluiri despre OZN-uri, despre guvernul mondial secret, despre reîncarnare, despre anul 2012, şi civilizaţia din Pământul Interior

”În 1976 am avut o experienţă spirituală fantastică; de atunci s-a deschis cel de-al treilea ochi, aşa încât am putut comunica cu oamenii din OZN-uri, şi de asemenea cu cei din interiorul Pământului unde există o foarte înaltă civilizaţie. Sunt convinsă că începând cu 22 decembrie 2012 vor fi 3 zile de ascensiune a acestui Pământ în cea de-a cincea dimensiune. Există un loc cu numele de Nuru, prin care noi vom trece atunci… 3 zile şi 3 nopţi, nu vom putea folosi electricitatea, va fi întuneric complet atât ziua cât şi noaptea, fără Soare, fără stele, fără nicun fel de lumină, vom fi în întuneric complet timp de 3 zile. Nu se va anunţa nimic în mass-media, această informaţie nu va ajunge la oamenii de pe această planetă; cei din guvernul mondial secret ştiu foarte bine toate acestea.
Ei se gandesc numai la ei înşişi gândind că se pot salva, încercând să scape fugind de pe acestă planetă, sau construind oraşe subterane în zone din Atlanta, Norvegia, Olanda, Elveţia, Australia, şi care au capacitatea de a găzdui 10.000 de oameni din “elită”. Eu cred că nU se vor salva deloc.
Noi trebuie să ne purificăm condiţia spirituală, fizic şi spiritual. Vă voi spune cum să o faceţi. Este foarte important. Bunul Dumnezeu, Creatorul însuşi, este Lumina, Iubirea şi Energia. O parte din această energie a Iubirii se află în inima noastră. Putem sa îi minţim pe ceilalţi, dar nu ne putem minţi pe noi înşine. Aceasta este conştiinţa. Fiecare fiinţă umană are această parte frumoasă din Creator, aflată în sufletul nostru; aceasta este supusă reîncarnării. Aceasta este viaţa eternă pe care o avem în lăuntrul nostru.
Asta înseamnă că pentru a ne purifica sufletul, la fiecare 5 ani de când ne naştem, ne putem privi cu conştiinţa noastră, în ce fel ne-am purtat, ce gânduri am întreţinut, cum am vorbit, şi toate acestea ne clarifică situaţia privind retrospectiv la viaţa noastră, la fiecare 5 ani, până acum; în acest fel putem descoperi dacă şi când am făcut ceva rău altor fiinţe umane, putem clarifica şi purifica asta. Şi de fiecare dată când găsim astfel de situaţii, inima noastră expansionează, putem respira această stare expansionată foarte adânc, şi de fiecare dată când avem astfel de experienţe, întregul întuneric va ieşi afară din inima noastră. În acest fel putem vedea din ce în ce mai bine.
Încă mai avem ceva timp să facem acest lucru până în data de 22 decembrie 2012. Fizic, putem să ne purificam trupul (…). Şi astfel putem fiecare să avem grijă de corpul nostru. De asemenea este necesar să facem anumite exerciţii fizice pentru a reflecta cu spiritul nostru în ce condiţie ne aflăm.
În esenţă, noi, fiinţele umane, suntem Lumină şi Iubire, pentru că în inima noastră se află o parte din Creator, şi aceasta se reîncarnează… părăsind trupul fizic aici pe Pământ, spiritul merge mai departe, îşi continuă existenţă. Pe acest Pământ, mi-am putut reaminti de ghidul meu spiritual, care timp de câteva mii de ani m-a asistat pe această planetă, în aceste locuri şi în multe altele. Toate aceste amintiri au revenit şi astfel am putut să vorbesc în limbi pe care nu le-am învăţat niciodată. Astfel că fizic am putut să experimentez faptul că teoria reîncarnării este corectă. Ei bine, oricine ascultă această conferinţă, eu cred că se va putea salva.
Noi suntem cu toţii atât de divizaţi, încă din anul 1930. Există aceşti oameni care cred în astfel de concepte, şi pe de altă parte există alţi oameni care nu cred. Există această despărţire foarte încrâncenată, foarte adâncă; şi această parte a oamenilor care nu înţeleg şi nu cred astfel de realităţi se află întro condiţie spirituală foarte întunecată… ei vor fi duşi pe o altă planetă, asemănătoare Pământului, plină de violenţă, de războaie, ei vor trebui să se ducă pe acea planetă, nu au încotro”.


19 noiembrie 2012



19 noiembrie 2012
Who is Princess Kaoru?


The granddaughter of the Meiji Emperor, Princess Kaoru Nakamaru spent her early childhood in the Forbidden Castle in China. While at Columbia University and in graduate school, she furthered her research into international politics and since 1970, as a journalist, has interviewed kings and presidents, prime ministers and business people from many countries, and has given speeches, written books, and appeared on television as a commentator on international political affairs. In 1973, she was acclaimed in the U.S. magazine, Newsweek, as the “World’s No.1 interviewer,” and the Washington Post described her as “one of those rare women in the world with an outstanding international sensitivity.”

Later, she was producer, director, and interviewer of her own Japan/U.S. talk show, for which she traveled to war-torn areas around the world and carried out positive discussions with the heads of state of those countries. Among those were Colonel Gadhafi of Libya and then-president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein--figures that were considered hostile by the West. Nakamaru even covered the frontlines during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88) and video taken of it was shown to President Hussein who suggested that the war be immediately halted. The images of her broadcast on TV pressing President Hussein with the question “Why is this war being continued?” and asking Colonel Gadhafi, “Are you really a terrorist?” drew strong reactions. From those experiences, she exerted her energy into “personal diplomacy,” serving as a go-between among warring countries, using her own funds.

In order to finance her “personal diplomacy,” she bears all expenses. Kaoru’s network of contacts include many “big names” of whom the staff at TV stations say “Even with our connections, there is no way we can approach these people,” and this is linked to the fact that Kaoru, who is not affiliated with any organization, travels the world at her own expense and as a private citizen. Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gadhafi, top North Korean leaders, and other important figures that western journalists are unable to meet, talk with her-- the main reason being “Princess Nakamaru is not a person who is moved by personal motives and so we considered a meeting with her.”

In response to her personal diplomacy Kaoru established the “International Affairs Institute for World Peace” in New York in 1985, and in 1991, the “Following the Sun Association” was organized for people aspiring toward peace. In doing so, royalty and presidents from various countries as well as cultural figures signed their names to the statement, “I endorse all of your activities,” and these people have been welcomed as advisers and special members. Accordingly, this began in earnest a movement of enlightenment in which the realization of a “one world” policy where the “path of life” is based on mutual understanding and trust, and not on a “one world” policy where the “path of power” is based on military power and tension. Since her days as an interviewer, she has so far traveled to as many as 186 countries.

Nakamaru’s aim is for a “world peace through human renaissance. Wealth, fame, power do not make humans happy, as true happiness is borne from a heart filled with love, harmony, and peace. When there is peace within the hearts of each person, from VIPs to average citizens, then world peace is realized. The phrase ”one world” mistakenly conjures up a religious movement, but Nakamaru has absolutely no religion ties. Nakamaru believes in a religion of her own, but does not belong to any group, saying that “The world transcends all the many religions, races, ideologies so there cannot be just one.

As for her personal life, in 1966 she married Tadao Nakamaru, an actor who worked with Toshiro Mifune. She has a son and a daughter.

In addition, she has maintained a close friendship with South Korea through its former prime minister, Kim Jong-Pil, and with North Korea through the late Kim Il Sung as well as Kim Yong Sun the Secretary of North Korea’s Worker Party (who died in 2003 in a car accident), and has strived to improve relations between Japan and both Koreas as a bridge between the Japanese and Korean governments by bringing about the temporary return of a Japanese woman while at the same time acting as a mediator in bringing about a summit meeting between South and North Korea.
Kaoru Nakamaru

History of Activities 
Upon graduating from Columbia University and the Graduate School’s
Department of International Politics and East Asian Research Center, traveled around the world learning through experience the flow of politics, economics, and culture
Published her first work "Diplomacy with America, Diplomacy with China." (Simul Press)
Fusing academicism and journalism, it was acclaimed as a practical handbook.
Began an interview talk show “Kaoru Nakamaru, The World’s Movers” (on Television Tokyo and 36 affiliates nationwide)
Became a member of the Ministry of Trade and Industry Council (for 4 terms, 8 years)
Was awarded the Decoration of Independence from King Hussein of Jordan. Published "Following the Sun - The Autobiography of Kaoru Nakamaru." (Bungei Shunju, Tokyo)
Became an adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan Center for Inter- cultural Communications)
At the invitation of President Saddam Hussein, stayed in Iraq for one month. Duringthat time, with the presidential plane at her disposal, she proceeded to the frontlines of the Iran-Iraq war and observed young Iranian prisoners of war.
Videotaping their plight, she showed the tape later to President Hussein who then petitioned for the immediate end to the fighting.
“Following the Sun,” an interview show began broadcasting on PBS, which had a 380-station network. In a dialogue with Libya’s leader, Moammar Gadhafi, he stated that, “I am against America’s political policies, but I maintain good feelings toward America itself. I am prepared to talk with America.” There was pressure to excise this pronouncement from the network, but using her own funds, she bought this program herself and showed it with the problem scenes intact.
“The International Affairs Institute for World Peace” was recognized as a foundation by the U.S. government.
Made television appearances and speeches while based in New York
Organized the first “World Peace International Symposium,” held at the Plaza Hotel in New York. The previous day Nakamaru gave a speech about the concept of the symposium at the United Nations. At a press conference, she received the endorsement of over 100 countries. A few days later, Nakamaru received a visit from a special envoy from Kim Il Jong who sent a message saying that “It is truly wonderful that a private citizen can sponsor a symposium like that. Next time, please invite our country too.” This was the start of her relations with North Korea.
Invited as a state guest to the former Soviet Union for two weeks
Established the “Following the Sun Association” in Tokyo, which aimed toward “a world peace through human renaissance.”
In July, made her first visit to North Korea as a guest of Kim Il-Sung, the leader of the country. Three days before a private interview, unexpectedly, Kim Il-Sung passed away and footage taken of the situation within the city of Pyongyang was used on NHK, South Korea’s KBC, CNN, among others and refuted rumors of a coup d’etat that circulated in the West. Following that, through Kim Jong-Il and Kim Yong Sun,
General Secretary of the Worker Party, her exchanges with North Korea deepened as she strived to have a Japanese woman return for temporary visit to her country as well as realizing a summit between South and North Korea.
At the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, held the “Conference on the Vision for the 21st Century and Religion,” in which 1,000 religious figures from around the world gathered.
Invited to North Korea as a state guest for one month.
Concentrated on speeches and writing in Japan. From this time until 2009, she has published 40 books.
In February, visited Iraq in order to avert air bombardment by the U.S. military. She met with the head of the Iraqi government.
In March, she was invited as a state guest
Published “Kaoru Nakamaru’s World Report,” an official publication from the “Following the Sun Association.”
Invited to the “Ceremony Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Iranian Revolution” as a state guest and delivered a keynote speech
Was selected for inclusion into the American Biographical Institute’s “Great Women of the 21st Century” and “Great Minds of the 21st Century,” the world’s most authoritative listing. In addition, she was selected for the U.K.’s International Biographical Centre’s “2,000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century.”
Established the Institute for International Problems. Published “World Report for International Affairs on official publication monthly.

2 comentarii:

  1. Kaoru Nakamaru isn't a princess, she falsely claims to be the illegitimate granddaughter of Emperor Meiji, but the Imperial family don't recognize her as such nor do many other people within Japan, she's basically just a New Age speaker and author who gave herself a fancy name.

    1. Constat ca din pacate, informatiile pe net sunt contradictorii. Este de inteles oarecum si "de ce", dar ... noi trebuie sa stim totul! Avem dreptul la o informare corecta. Kaoru Nakamaru este contestata ca "printesa", ruda a Casei Imperiale a Japoniei de unii sau de altii, dar fara indoiala, asa cum ne putem da seama cu un simplu search, in atentia si preocuparea a multor, foarte multor oameni ai Planetei albastre ...
      Pamant sau Terra inca ...
