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duminică, 18 septembrie 2011

Cutremur major in India. Dupa unul mic, a venit si cel mare. Un rău nu vine niciodată singur!

Cutremur puternic, duminica, in regiunea Sikkim din India: seismologii au masurat o magnitudine de 6,8 grade. Seismul s-a produs la o adancime de 20 km. Tot duminica, in Japonia doua cutremure, de 5 si 5,6 grade.

Este cel mai important cutremur de pe intreg mapamondul dupa cel de 7,3 grade, inregistrat joi in Fiji. Iata datele cutremurului, afisate pe site-ul Institutului American de Geologie: ora producerii 12,40 UTC (15,40 ora ora Romaniei)

- 68 km NV de Gangtok, Sikkim, India
- 119 km NNV de Shiliguri, Bengalul de Vest, India
- 272 km E de Kathmandu, Nepal
- 572 km N de Calcutta, India
Cutremurul vine la doar cateva zile dupa ce un altul, cu magnitudinea de 4,2 grade pe scara Richter, a zguduit districtul Sonepat, din Haryana, fiind resimtit si la New Delhi.

An earthquake  hit large parts of northern and eastern India today evening, according to the US Geological Survey. The quake, with the epicentre in Sikkim, measured 6.8 on the Richter scale. Recent earthquake......... 6.8 quake rocks Sikkim; tremors in north, east India

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook India's Sikkim state on Sunday night, sending people running from their homes. The epicenter of the quake was about 40 miles from Gangtok, the state's capital, on the Nepalese border. The Indian government has reported that eight people died in India and Nepal, at least three when a building in Kathmandu collapsed. The quake also created a number of mudslides on the outskirts of Gangtok, killing at least one man who was trapped inside his car. Additionally, at least 100 people were injured, according to initial reports. The earthquake also temporarily disrupted telephone lines, and the rapid rate of cell phone use over-burdened mobile networks.

Tremura de se cutremura, intreg Pamantul!
Un rău nu vine niciodată singur!

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